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發表於 2021-8-30 19:03:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Singapore Interior Design Awards" was held at the JW Marriott Hotel in Singapore at the 2018/2019 Awards Ceremony yesterday. In over 300 works from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia and other countries, the HHD Design Agency works - Shama Hui Hotel (Haikou, China) and Runke Huafu (China·Shenzhen) won the GOLD AWARD and SILVER AWARD of SIDA respectively.



Singapore Interior Design Awards (referred to as SIDA) is an interior design award hosted by the Singapore Interior Designers Association (SIDS). It is open, fair and just, and is designed for any interior designer, space designer and architect who can believe that he can create a better space for human beings through r台灣外送茶,ational, responsible and innovative design solutions.


SIDA is an international design award for creative excellence established in 1988 by the Singapore international enterprise development board. Since 2000, the biennial SIDA has been organised by the society of interior designers Singapore.


SIDA is an international competition platform, which builds a bridge for designers and industry authorities to connect with the international standards. SIDA awards can give designers exposure and recognition from the media in Asia and even the world.


SHAMA HUB HOTEL won the GOLD AWARD of SIDA respectively. It is located in Haikou, an international seaside tourist city. Shama Hub Hotel was signed by Guangyue Jintai Group and one of Asia's leading hotel management operators, ONYX Hotel Group, to introduce the first project of Guangyue Jintai. The hotel is designed by HHD HONGKONG EAST HOLIDAY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS LIMITED · SHENZHEN EAST HOLIDAY INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED for interior design, which presents people with high-quality boutique products and brings leap-forward improvement to the increasingly high demand for human living.

莎玛汇旅店荣获了SIDA新加坡設計金奖(GOLD AWARD),它位于國际海滨遊览都會——中國·海口,富有海滨天然旖旎風景。莎玛汇旅店由广粤锦泰團體與亚洲领先的旅店辦理運营商之一ONYX旅店團體签订协定引進广粤锦泰·首坐项目中,并由HHD香港沐日东方國际設計参谋機構?深圳沐日东方設計有限公司大力担纲室內設計,為人们显現高品格的精品之作,為愈来愈高的人居糊口需求带来超過式晋升。

In the design of this hotel, HHD HONGKONG EAST HOLIDAY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CONSULTANTS LIMITED · SHENZHEN EAST HOLIDAY INTERIOR DESIGN LIMITED  creates a space theme of “smashing stones on the beach”, blending the hotel space with the concept of “childhood story”. It extends from stone to sunlight, beaches, sea water, etc.


hoping that these natural elements will present a sense of leisure, relaxation and intimacy with nature in the space, and also awaken people's memories of childhood and a yearning of a good life for the future. (Chief Creative Designer:Zhongxuan Hong; Main Designers:Han Lin,Yangcheng Ou,Zhigang Li; Participating Designers:Xudong Yang,Audrey Ma,Guosheng Xu,Xiaojun Wong ,Zhijiang Chan ,Chanhui  Huang,Yuan Yuan,Yifei Huang ,Shixian Li;Renderings Designers:Zhifeng Zou,Bacui  Yang,Xiaoyan Hu,Shiming Ye,Longzhao Feng,Zunjian Li,Changzhen Shi,Shaoxiang Long,Longwang Huang ;CAD Designers:Xiaohui Fang,Xilan Fang,Lihua Ou,Zailin Chan,Qiou Meng,Hanye Yu,Jingying Hou,Mali Liu,Huiping Qin,Hongyan Zhao,Yuanfeng Lai,Chaoxin Ke.)

但愿经由過程這些天然元素在空間中显現出一种休闲、放松和與大天然的密切感,也叫醒人们對童年和對将来夸姣糊口的一种影象和憧憬。(总創設計師:洪忠轩;主設計師:林涵、欧阳成、黎志刚;介入設計師:杨旭东、马泳晖、徐國胜、王小君、陈致江、黄灿辉、袁媛、黄怡飞、李诗娴;结果圖:邹志峰、杨拔翠、胡小燕、叶石明、冯龙招、李尊建、史昌圳、龙绍湘、黄隆旺 ;施工圖:方晓慧、吴锡兰、欧丽华、陈再霖、蒙启欧、余汉業 、侯婧瑛、刘玛丽、秦惠平、赵红(微博)艳、赖远峰、柯潮鑫)

Runke Huafu won SILVER AWARD of SIDA respectively.It is located in Shenzhen, the w娛樂城,orld's first-tier city, and was developed by  HHD Hong Kong East Holiday International Design Consultants Limited - HHD·Living space design(Shenzhen) CO.,LTD.  aims to create a "breathing space" for the aesthetic design 線上av,of human settlements.

润科华府荣获了SIDA新加坡設計奖(SILVER AWARD),它座落活着界一线都會——中國·深圳,由深圳市润科房地產開辟有限公司開辟建成,HHD香港沐日东方國际参谋有限公司-利宾空間設計(深圳)有限公司以人居情况美學設計為目标,将润科华府打造成“會呼吸的空間”。

It is a landmark space case in the modern city process. Space connects the interior of the urban building space with the external ecological environment, and introduced the concept of outdoor gardens into indoor spaces. We are co妹妹itted to creating a living environment of “natural oxygen bar” and leads to the concept of health in urban spaces. ( Chief Creative Designer:Zhongxuan Hong; Participating Designers :Pinghai Zhao,Jiatao Ma,Jie Dai,Liang Jin,Audrey Ma,Jie Zhang,Yan,Liao,Shuting Tan,Juanyan Wu,Limin He,Yunhong Li ,Peng Wu,Weijie Zhou,Yiliang Zhou.)


HHD won the SIDA gold and silver awards, taking first and second place.The recognition and co妹妹endation of industry authorities are the driving force for HHD Design Institution. In the future, HHD Design will continue to polish their own design language to continue innovating and looking to Asia from the world, which explores the infinite possibilities of interior design.


本年热招职位 看看哪一個最“多金”降息预期昂首 部門银行锁定貸款利率超等英雄大清点 蜘蛛侠钢铁侠超人


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