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RICK瑞克國際設計│東方置地 · 鉑悅府雅奢樣板房


東方置地 · 鉑悅府雅奢風樣板房


丨 叙言 丨


Luxury is simple, and the elegant in luxury, it is often difficult to hold the measure, it is also difficult to see the interest of elegance, Balzac in "On elegant life" in more said: luxury than elegant cost less.





Rick design team in the design of this sample room project, to meet the luxury of the customer at the same time, into the elegant state of mind, from one side to feel the fine feelings of beautiful things.


Luxury and measure, elegance is the soul. The ceiling molding of the guest restaurant, with slender and concise lines, makes the whole space become clean and atmospheric, and the metal edge shows more texture details.

丨精巧 華麗 咀嚼 優雅丨


The local metal color of TV setting wall shows a kind of滑鼠墊, costly simple sense, and the choice of setting stone material is excellent with lukewarm embellish colour and lustre, make it already elegant and lively. With the dining-room setting of its echo, contracted large wood color can foil th台北外約,e artwork among more, crystal droplight adds delicate more meantime. The combination and collision of metal, stone and crystal, as well as the orderly collocation, all show the elegance and fashion of luxury household.

丨 時尚 奢華 藝術 潮水 丨


Architect Hinkle believes that decoration must be modest. Extend to the design in, the breath that gives low-key costly below the appearance of contemporary vogue, give a person a kind of proper refined. Extended to life, the moderate pursuit of quality can reflect an attitude of loving life.


Log texture, soft leather, with two small round chandelier and sedate arc table lamp contrast, break the single line, the crystal crystal chandelier and the interaction of light and shadow of the window window, floating create a warm and comfortable sense of low-key.


The princess dream of little girl, it is pink, with integral wood color when the background builds a small space of peace of mind, it is to be protected again the side that has its independence. Hide your expectations in your life and they will grow and shine.


The wind blows the curtain to move, the book page turns over, like the artwork on the bookshelf, listens attentively to the wind book language, sees the spring has the cool breeze winter has the snow, the ordinary scenery, then may get the four seasons elegant.

項目名稱 | 東方置地·鉑悅府輕奢風樣板間

業主單位 | 深圳東方置地集團

設計單位 | 瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司

軟裝單位 | 瑞克裝飾設計工程(深圳)有限公司

設計范畴 | 室內設計′软装設計與執行

設計主創 | 宋愛生(Rick Song)

設計團隊 | 王燕蓮′魏送芬′陳堂偉′尹小科

特別鳴謝 | 深圳東方置地集團′惠州華強置業

項目地點 | 中國·惠州

····抽水肥,············· RICK ················



RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司(簡稱 RICK瑞克國際設計 ),香港&深圳雙總部,在長沙及南昌設有分公司,致力為客戶供给高品質的室內空間設計及軟裝設計定礼服務 。先後幫助 萬科、華潤、碧桂園、中南、 等中國一線房地產開發商 ,及 萬豪&麗絲卡爾頓、凱悅&君悅、洲際、安娜塔拉、希爾頓、等國際五星級品牌及精品旅店 客戶,以理性科學的计谋思維設計伎俩及科學本钱的節制,以極高的性價比構成出色的產品競爭力,令客戶的投資實現市場行銷戰略目標及品牌價值获得長線增值。憑藉國際化視野及對項目品質的極致寻求, 其作品榮獲設計專業眾多國內外獎項及榮譽。

宋愛生(Rick Song)師长教師 是一位新銳、知名青年設計師,其開創及帶領的RICK瑞克國際設計團隊秉持“東西交融” 的設計理念,擅長洞察項目特徵與利用者需求出發,把歷史、天然、文化、藝術結合國際新穎經營理念、糊口方法及伶俐科技理念交融於其創作中;運用當代的詮釋方法演繹傳統與傳承,讓文化藝術在真實的糊口中重獲复活同時為空間賦予靈魂與伶俐。眼睛保健食品, 塑造出與專案商業定位契合的空間氣質與靈魂 ,為客戶創造獨特而難忘的糊口場景和不凡體驗。













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